出身 : 日本 神奈川(横浜)
出身:日本 熊本()
出身:日本 三重()
藤が丘マルシェ early birdに参加させていただいております。
Yuka and I started Atlanta English School in 2012 to make a positive impact on the lives of students young & old in our community of Fujigaoka, Meito Ward, Nagoya. We have taught over 1300 people since then.
Our goal is to prepare the students for the dynamic and fast-paced global society of the 21st century. We want to instill confidence in English. To do this, we strive to make our students feel comfortable learning and speaking in English. We teach our students in immersive English with goals of fluency, mastery, and preparation for a future role in our interconnected world. We know that having confidence in English is just a start, but it's a very important component. All of us here at Atlanta, the teachers, the staff, and the management, are committed to excellence in English education. Our name comes from my hometown of Atlanta, Georgia, a city famous for dynamism and progress, but also for its warm and welcoming attitude. We hope you feel welcome here, too.
Our Teaching Principles:
1. Classroom management
2. Teaching for mastery
3. Being positive about student success
Camilo's Bio:
Born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia; previous work experience in science (Emory, Nabisco, Photocircuits), IT (Disney), and the military (US Navy Reserve); came to Japan to teach in 2004.
Murray State University (doctorate in English pedagogy in progress)
Concordia University, St. Paul (masters)
Emory University (bachelors)
Oxford College of Emory (associates)
Teaching licenses/certificates:
Florida Department of Education (K-12 ESOL teaching license)
University of Glasgow, Queensland University of Technology, & British Council (TESOL certificates)
Teaching experience:
18 years in K-12 and college/university in Japan (Aichi Board of Education, Aichi Medical University, Aichi Shukutoku Junior High, ECC, Interac, Kasugai Board of Education, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Mitsubishi Chemical, Mitsubishi Electric, Nagoya Board of Education, Nagoya College of Design and Technology, Nagoya International High School (NUCB), Nagoya School of Music and Dance, Nagoya University of Foreign Studies, Nagoya Women's University, Nanzan University, NOVA, OTC, Toyota Boshoku, Toyota Motors, United Semiconductor)
AWP (Association of Writers & Writing Programs)
JALT (Japan Association for Language Teaching)
MLA (Modern Language Association)